About Me
In the midst of trees in a gentle wood, a pool of light upon the grassed over tipping ground. Rubble of no longer wanted, laid waste, illuminated by otherworldly light.
Another time on horseback, far into the woods, held in a timeless moment of stillness and silence. Illumination not of light but of a vast fathomless depth.
A handful of other such moments scattered like rare jewels through the growing years. Moments of profound beyond words and then back to my everyday life, the very early years of which lay in restriction and disharmony.

At university I studied psychology and after graduating worked for 2 years within a therapeutic community for disturbed adolescents. Later I trained and worked as a hypnotherapist.
After much seeking and exploring of healing ways in my 20’s and 30’s, when there was an explosion of so many methods and experiential offerings towards freedom and expression, I met the teacher and healer, Hilmar Schonauer. Hilmar introduced me to the practice of meditation and working with the body’s energy system.
I was approaching my mid 30’s and without knowing it at the time I lived in an inner world where I alternated between switched off, ‘not fully here’ and a state of all pervading anxiety. I was disconnected; estranged from myself and those around me. I did not know this at the time since it was all that I did know. It was normal for me, I knew no different.
What I did know was that I was uncomfortable in my own skin, and this moved me to seek and look for something other, and to learn.
I worked with Hilmar for nearly 20 years and so began the journey of getting to know myself, and beginning to loosen and free the constraints that limited me. What a joy, what a relief, as more and more was revealed to me through the meditations and practices.

The practices that I worked with regularly, began to reveal to me what had become stuck in my system, and that was blocking the free flow of my energy. At the same time I was finding and experiencing states of quiet, calm and spacious stillness. I sat with and met intense states that arose along the way, as the energy of what had been locked within me found its movement. I began to experience more ease as my contracted state; the long time held tensions and restrictions began to loosen and release.
During this period I explored a variety of other ways and teachers, learned and experienced much that was helpful, and that influenced the evolving of my own consciousness, but the work with Hilmar was always central. I found this work with meditation and the body’s energy system to be deeper and more meaningful than anything else I encountered.
In time, from my own exploration of the work, the getting to know myself, and my deepening experience and growing understanding, I began teaching and sharing the work.
In 2018 I completed further training in ‘Hakomi’; a mindfulness orientated, somatic psychotherapy course.
In response to the Lock down situation in March 2020 I began working with groups online, and so another thread of my work emerged. This has grown and developed into an opportunity to work in a very direct and immediate way with whatever may be appearing in our lives.
One day several years ago on a mid winters evening in the rich orange and red, fire lit, sitting room of a friend, I spoke some words that I was, and continue to be, struck by. We had been reading the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke out loud, and then discussing it. We moved on to speaking about our work, when at some point she asked “Why do you think you do this work?” My answer came swiftly, decisively: “Because I know what’s possible”.