Finding and growing a haven within: Saturday November 30

November 2012 I go to the woods (extract) …………. our wanting so much from everything, limiting our ability to be open to receive; a simplicity, so natural and easy. Small birds sing out Crow caws,   day does nothing but ‘be’, only people hanker, longing for...

The chains of conditioning and experience

Early experience and conditioning have a profound impact on our lives. Unfortunately this is often in negative ways and where we can develop and take on unhelpful attitudes and belief patterns, that then drive our lives. Too often we self sabotage our best efforts, in...

Poetry and Music event – Come whoever you are…….

    I stepped out into the bright, blue sky, sparkling day on a morning at the beginning of March for a walk to the woods. What else could rival this clear direction and where I am lucky enough to choose my work hours. Plenty of time to sit at my desk or...

A Road to Freedom

  Choiceless Awareness – A Road to Freedom With great kindness we learn to open and be with ourselves moment to moment. Wherever we find ourselves with whatever is presenting in our lives. Little by little we learn to open and respond to life as it is. This in...

Come Home to Yourself

Finding stillness, we access more, the fullness of who we are, and the inner peace that is within, waiting for us.   All welcome Email or phone to book your place  10 to 11am Become the Flower   No need to hold away from the moment or grasp it to you, with...

Waking up; becoming more of who we are

We are living in times where there is more and more potential for increasing consciousness. At the same time, and in the way of polarity, many are becoming more and more lost in deep habit patterns, addictions and relentless busyness. In this way every moment is...